Game concept: We're writing a story. Everyone gets to add five words, no more, no less, to keep the story going. I'll start. Someone else pick it up from here......
There got to be folks from MA, NH, CT, RI, VT, MN in LPSG... Haven't seen many folks post here... Love to know who all out here from the New England area...
I think one of the most erotic things is a man with a hardon in a singlet. The previous thread needed to be deleted as it was filled with underage pictures and videos. Feel free to post your erotic singlet pics and videos here. But please be careful and post only pics and vids of men who are 18+. Please google names of schools before you post to determine if they are colleges or HIGH SCHOOLS.
Have you ever painted your nails. What do you think of men who paint they're nails. Does that make them less of a man. If you never painted your nails give the reason why and would you be willing to try.
Ive been in and around Texas all my life and I think Dallas has some of the hottest men around! Who do yall think are the hottest guys in Dallas gay and str8?