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Size Categories

What do you think are realistic categories of size?

My opinion:


Small anything below 4.5
Avg 4.5 to 6.5
Large anything above 6.5


Small below 4.5
Avg 4.5-5
Large anything above 5


What Do U Think About My Ass?

Hey im a little bit insecure about my ass, do u like it? Who would eat it?

Marcel Hans R

Huge natural tits on a thin body

Love Valentina Ligouri... Zambrotta's girl... just nice heavy, big ones.... on a thin body... long hair.... etc....

Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis part 2 - Ireland

This board had several chunky threads a while back on Greece. Greece has been saved from default by a massive bailout co-ordinated by the ECB and IMF. Notwithstanding for the last month the spread on Greek debt has been about 800 basis points (ie at crisis level). Investors are demanding an 8% premium for perceived risk not of Greek default, but of both Greece defaulting and the ECB/IMF not paying up on guarantees. Greece is in a shocking position - but just at the moment Greece is supported...

Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis part 2 - Ireland


Florian macek (model)

Does anybody have anything of him? He's gorgeous

Max mondryk (another one of my favs)

Trans Girls I Like To Jerk To, Show Me Some

Where Does This Hot Pic Come From? - Scene Id

Is there a video/scene from where this hot pic comes? I wanna see what they all get up to!

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Trace.trainer on insta

Does anyone have anything on this sexy man?

Amateur girls and big cocks

What are the chances this thread becomes a nice repository for videos featuring amateur girls enjoying big cocks? I guess that's my fetish. Don't like contrived situations, just genuine amateur women truly enjoying size. Know of any videos/links?

Pumping muscle guys

Does anyone know if any of the guys have done more hardcore stuff, either with another studio or personal like Onlyfans or webcams.
I know about Tim K, there are posts about him on this site, but what about the other guys?

Dominic calvini

big dicked bodybuilders

I was wondering if anyone had any names they could give me. I'm looking for really cut and or massive bodybuilders were really big dicks. That's my thing! I mostly just like a big dick on a guy but if they've got a really nice chest and arms then it's obviously always a plus.

Vagina appreciation thread

Hey! I see alot of talk about cocks and tits but I'm yet to see a thread straight guys can post pictures of there vision of what they seem fit as a "Beautiful Vagina".

Thought I'd start a post and get something going. Post below what you consider to be "Perfect" to you!


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Fitness models/ bodybuilders nudes

I'm loving Jhop01 (joshua hopkins) rihgt now lol

Dom heap fitness

Youtuber: Michael Gerry Live Stream

How Do You Know Your Cock Is Big? Wait For It...

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