Los angeles hotel jo group
visiting LA next week Looking for other straight/bi guys who dig tugging on their meat. Into long edge sessions with porn. Also into MFM play for any dudes out there into sharing their lady. Can host...
View ArticleEurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis part 2 - Ireland
This board had several chunky threads a while back on Greece. Greece has been saved from default by a massive bailout co-ordinated by the ECB and IMF. Notwithstanding for the last month the spread on...
View ArticleQuestions from a male massage therapist
I do therapeutic (i.e. non-sexual/non-erotic) deep tissue massage. Most of my clients have been gay males, primarily because I've been advertising on masseurfinder.com, which touts itself as a gay...
View ArticleDoes the world need a single child policy?
When I was more informed about Green politics, the UK Green party used to advocate a sustainable population for the UK at around 40 Million. This would translate to a global population reduction of...
View ArticleOkayDick.com
I'm surprised there is no thread on this site. I literally stumbled upon it the other day. It's really great. It is free and has amazing diagrams on many different PE exercises. It also lists many...
View ArticleBubble Butts
I've recently developed an appreciation for the wonder known as the "bubblebutt". Post your best finds here please
View ArticleAny good snowballing videos?
any one know of a video where a guy cums all over a girls mouth and then kiss her or licks his cum off of her this is called snowballing but in straight porn its not really popular i like when 2 guys...
View ArticleUpbeat music...
I've often written about the darker side of my emotions here, so i think it's time to shed a little light and smile instead. Upbeat songs... That is, music that makes you smile inside and think to...
View ArticleIs the west losing its opportunity in africa to china?
In light of substantial Chinese aid, without the traditional ideological strings that come with Western aid, do Western powers stand to be marginalized in the new rush to exploit wealth in Africa as...
View ArticleBull or cuck on skype
Hi ! I'm 8.5 inches long and love to be worshipped by smaller but what I prefer is trading pics of girlfriends, comparing them etc. So, what I propose is that : If you got a small dick, I'll be the...
View ArticleJeff Stryker
I'm surprised I'm the first on LPSG to give Jeff a birthday shoutout today. (For those of you wondering, he's 49.) Jeff was never my favorite porn star (he seems as dumb as a box of rocks), but he does...
View ArticleAnybody Know this Amateur Mandingo Video?
Does anybody know where I can find the full version of this amateur video? Cuckold Land-Cuckold Videos | Interracial Videos | Hot Wife Videos
View ArticleDo you think size matters to women?
I know most of the surveys say penis size is not a major concern for women. Most of the women that post here say the same. What is the opinion of the hung, straight men here. I don't think size matters...
View ArticlePeeking at Urinal
I like watching hunk men's dick at urinal while they are peeing... Do you think straight men are irritative to be seen in this situation? or they just don't care to know someone watching their...
View ArticleVDL(visable dick line)
I love seen them in gym shorts. Exspecially if the guy is hung, anyone know what I mean?
View ArticleDoes the missionary position feel better with women or men?
Please give me your honest opinions.
View ArticlePhiladelphia jo session?
In Philly for a few weeks, have place and can host. Message me if interested. Looking for guys and girls alike.
View Articlecan the poster above you legitemately class themselves as hung?
As the title says.....yes or no
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