Which the opinion about size cock?
which the opinion of you penis size matters when. a woman see a short guy? she thinks the guy has small penis too?
View ArticleGlobal warming?
Ok, so remind me,where's the global warming? I'm sitting here in 14 inches of snow, single digit temperatures. Gimme the global warming!
View ArticleDiggy simmons dick!!
Not sure if there's another thread like this already (if so I apologize). Diggy Simmons has grown up to be a pretty sexy dude...what he's packing downstairs ain't bad either Enjoy!!!...
View Articlewhats the best thing about having a big dick?
hey guys. i was just wondering. but whats the best thing you think about being well equiped? just wondering what yall like most about having a bigger dick.
View Articlefirst word that comes to mind
when you open thread put the first word that comes to mind Drink
View ArticleWord Association
Roll (one word only, associate it with the response of the previous post)
View ArticleNew brazilian guy
Hi guys, idk how i ended up here but i'm having a good time browsing trough the foruns and hot big cock pics, i'm an avearage size but got a little girth, i wish i was as big as most here but i gotta...
View ArticleList of gyms with open/communal showers?
Anyone know where i can find gyms with open/communal showers? There was a thread with a list but its gone now...
View ArticleBall Stretching
Hey, I want to start some ball stretching! Anyone got any tips/advice/tools on how to properly stretch? Thanks!
View ArticleCollege baseball locker room
I've never written before, but, here's a little something It was late one Friday evening and I had arrived at the University to practice my batting in the cage. The other guys I had plans with all went...
View Article2014-2015 College Football/NFL Football Season Bulges, VPLs etc. Post Thread
This thread is for which players you like. Post pics of players' Bulges, VPLs, in their uniform... and to admire these awesome physical men.. big or small! :biggrin:
View ArticleCircumcised: how long before you wash?
I was talking to this guy I know and he was telling me how lazy he has been lately. He hadn't even took a bath for 4 days. (Glad this was over the phone). I know him to be cut as I have seen it at the...
View ArticleWell hung kik users.
Calling all the very well hung kik users. Or the women that love the large equipped men. Bignthick8x6
View ArticleRe: M/F stories changed to M/M - Richard
In another thread someone asked about changing Big Timmy stories to a M/M version. It seemed like this would be kind of problematic since most of those stories involve an underage protaganist and...
View ArticleAny one been ripped internaly by a guys size
I picked up a boy toy, he is younger than me and I never ask his size. It just wasn't a question I thought of. Well he turned out to be longer and thicker than I am use to. Well the sex is fantastic, I...
View Articleis anyone else obsessed with penis enlargement
i started at 6.5x 5 then thought 7.5.5 was perfect now I'm at at 7.75x 6 my goal is a solid 8 inches nbpel with a 6.5 girth. anyone feel the same way like its not for your partner but u just want a...
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