Bubble Butts
I've recently developed an appreciation for the wonder known as the "bubblebutt". Post your best finds here please
View ArticleBi men who don't suck
Are there a lot of bi men here who just want to get sucked or fuck but don't want to touch another mans cock.
View ArticleBest Female Abs - Porn star
I am a huge fan of female porn stars with abs.... which porn star do you feel has the best abs? I will start the thread with some great videos of Tia Ling, Tia Ling Slut Machine Tia Ling Anal...
View ArticleMen fucking while wearing underwear or swimwear
Love watching porn where the guy doesn't take of his underwear. I find it especially hot if the undergear is tight like briefs or speedos. Does anyone have links to scenes like these? 10 Inch Cock...
View ArticleLength vs. girth
Have you met many girls that prefer length over girth? Supposedly studies claim that girth is better. However, I would say at least half the girls I know that enjoy size prefer length over girth....
View ArticleSmallest
Have you ever looked around and noticed you were the smallest endowed guy in the shower room?
View Articlefeel insecure about my height
because people were only checking me out because I appeared taller while riding on my skateboard 6'2 instied of 5'10,. it shows how shallow women can be about height... it's something I noticed some...
View ArticleGay guys who have been with women before: did vaginal sex feel pleasurable or...
If you're gay and you've been with women before- how did vaginal sex feel good and how does it feel like on your dick?
View ArticleEurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis part 2 - Ireland
This board had several chunky threads a while back on Greece. Greece has been saved from default by a massive bailout co-ordinated by the ECB and IMF. Notwithstanding for the last month the spread on...
View ArticleHi everyone! 27 yo hung bisexual
Hi y'all! Found this site on a google search and felt the need to join. I consider myself as someone who leans straight but I do love a long, thick, veiny cock and huge cum loads. In terms of women, I...
View ArticleWhy the difference between british and anerican politics?
Although I disagree with him on some issues, Bernie Sanders is perhaps an honourable exception. But my question here is about the overall, systemic difference between British and American politics......
View ArticleVideos of guys fucking in front of an audience
Hi, can anyone recommend videos of couples (or more I guess) having sex with people watching? I don't mean those out in public kind where they're being secretive, I'm talking about people actually...
View ArticleConnect the Song Titles 2
The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket. Rules: take a word from the previous song and think of another song with that word in it. (Since my original thread is missing I will start a new one. If the...
View ArticleFree Association
Here is a chance now to give up some amout of control and simply... Free Associate: Just the very first thing that enters into your mind when reading the post above is all that is required. This is not...
View ArticleGuess the size of the person above you!
Title says it all. Should be a pretty fun game! Obviously you should have a pic of yourself within a gallery or link
View ArticleGrammar Police (What ticks you off?)
I work at my college's newspaper and I cringe every time I see bad grammar and/or punctuation on the Internet. (Yes, including LPSG) Here are some things that tick me off: 1) Not knowing the difference...
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