Channel: LPSG
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What Underwear, If Any, Are You In Now?

Blue jockey boxer briefs with a black waistband.

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Would you have sex with yourself?

If you could make a clone of yourself with all the same memories and experiences you had would you have sex with them? If yes, would you bottom or top? Thought this be a fun question to ask. I...

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Jim webb is now going to run for president as an indepenent . . .

. . . By what stretch of his imagination is there a demand for his candidacy?

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Your first tasting come hard to deal with

Hey I was curious how liked the frist time you ate a guys sperm

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A question for gay guys?

I realize that this may seem to be a homophobic question but I don't mean it to be. I just wonder about it. Why are many (it seems like a majority to me) gay men superficial in terms of fashion,...

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Biden not running for president.

The field for the Democrats seems set, with the announcement that the vice-president will not run for president. Interesting development given that as late as last night former supporters who had...

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Shane Diesel

Originally posted by bigboy1231@Jun 5 2005, 11:47 PM http://mydaughtersfuckingablackdude.com/index2.htm his webiste, but his dick is just huge [post=318197]Quoted post[/post]​Click to expand... Yea...

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Locker room exhibitionism

Guys - I have not been to a gym for a while so just don't know the locker room/shower layout, routine etc. I suppose all are a bit different. Do you gym-goers notice lotsa guys getting naked at the...

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Canada's new prime minister, justin trudeau

Here is Canada's new Prime Minister. So glad that we got rid of that smug Harper with his lego man hair and policies that made me feel that he was ruining our country.

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Am i paranoid, or simply realistic?

Hi guys! I have a relationship situation where I need outside perspective. Here's a short list of facts and my two questions below: He and I talked online for about a week. We essentially wrote books...

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Guess the size of the person above you!

Title says it all. Should be a pretty fun game! Obviously you should have a pic of yourself within a gallery or link

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Image may be NSFW.
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Grade the dick above you (A-F)--and be honest--or grades are meaningless!


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What makes you want to post nude pics of yourself?

Why makes you want to post naked pics of yourself to the internet? For me, I grew up hating the way I looked. I was all skin and bone and hated looking in the mirror. Now that I'm older and filled out...

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Toilet Paper Roll Test Question

People talk about the toilet paper roll test as if it's amazing that someone's cock won't fit inside it. Are there really that many people who actually can fit their hard cock inside one? I certainly...

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Dropping down a size

I've just ordered a 1.75X8 tube, a 2X9 can't be packed in less than 3 hrs. I don't want a marathon every session. Looking forward to packing this new tube in an hour. I believe this will definitely...

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Id help!!!

Hello anyone know that actor ???

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Does the person above you have a "Porn Star Cock" ?

As the title question asks - does the person above you have a cock that could make them a successful star in the straight / gay porn industry ? Elaborate if you wish: If yes - why? If no - why not?

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Would you actually wear pants like these?

Here are some pants that are being sold as trousers to wear whenever and not as around the house, lounging pants. I could see laying around the house, but they are basically see through. And being a...

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good belly bump

smarter than the average black (Caroline Pierce vs Nathan Threat Part 2 ...)

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What is the best feature of the junk above you?

Anything you see everyone has an opinion.

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