Hello, I recently made a frenuloplasty ( 2 days ago) and I'm worried, I don't want to call the doctor för a check up invain so I'm asking you guys first.
all the pictures I've seen it shows a clean cut downward with stitches the whole way, my stitches is more bundled up in a small ugly area, did he do it right?
my Frenulum also seems to be shorter, not longer.
I did the operation 2 days ago so it's not healed yet, but i don't want it to be healed wrong
The pictures are from today, what do...
After frenuloplasty, is it suppost to look like this?
all the pictures I've seen it shows a clean cut downward with stitches the whole way, my stitches is more bundled up in a small ugly area, did he do it right?
my Frenulum also seems to be shorter, not longer.
I did the operation 2 days ago so it's not healed yet, but i don't want it to be healed wrong
The pictures are from today, what do...
After frenuloplasty, is it suppost to look like this?