I know that just about everyone wants have the biggest dick in the room but realistically, that's usually not the case unless you are actually at the upper extermity of the size scale, which statistically speaking is not common.
Knowing that we all want to be the "big guy", do you become insecure or get offended/upset when you see a guy bigger than you?
The reason I'm asking is because I've noticed that alot of men exxagerate or just flat out lie in regard to the size of their penis so I...
How do you feel meeting a guy bigger than you?
Knowing that we all want to be the "big guy", do you become insecure or get offended/upset when you see a guy bigger than you?
The reason I'm asking is because I've noticed that alot of men exxagerate or just flat out lie in regard to the size of their penis so I...
How do you feel meeting a guy bigger than you?