Alright guys and Girls.
it seems to be on here as a general conscious that penis size to women (their partner) is not a major issue, for he most part its the man that matters and not what he is packin. I had a thread on here a while ago and the majority of ladies that answered couldn't really care less for penis size.
now then, i did notice a lot of the ladies(not all) that where replying where from the USA, now I am from the UK, many if not all of my partners seem almost obsessed on size,...
Penis size vs womens preference vs country
it seems to be on here as a general conscious that penis size to women (their partner) is not a major issue, for he most part its the man that matters and not what he is packin. I had a thread on here a while ago and the majority of ladies that answered couldn't really care less for penis size.
now then, i did notice a lot of the ladies(not all) that where replying where from the USA, now I am from the UK, many if not all of my partners seem almost obsessed on size,...
Penis size vs womens preference vs country